Monthly Archives: November 2012


Sisterlocks Questions & Answers…..

Q: What is Sisterlocks™
A:  A natural hair management system that allows women with tightly textured hair to take advantage of a wide range of today’s hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair.

Q: Does this mean that once I get Sisterlocks™  I can still change my   hairstyles?
A: Yes! Sisterlocks™ is a lot less limiting than extensions because it is your natural hair.  You can curl it, braid it, wear a ponytail, cut it, spray or mousse it, wear bangs and parts – you name it!

Q: How long does it take to do?
A: The initial locking process takes about two thirds as long as getting extensions of comparable size.  For medium length hair, this means about seven hours.  The beauty Sisterlocks™ is that tightening them as your hair grows out is extremely simple there are no extensions to remove and re-start.

Q: Will Sisterlocks™ cause my hair to break or thin?
A: Just the opposite! Sisterlocks™ is a gentle technique that requires no chemicals, no excessive tightening, and cause no damage abrasion to the hair or scalp.  You will find that with regular care your locks will grow and grow, and your styling options will increase.

Q: Can I get Sisterlocks™ if I have relaxed hair?
A: Yes, though the transition will take more time.  Your hair care professional who is trained in Sisterlocks™ techniques can help you make that transition.  Your styling options will increase as your natural texture grows out.

Q: Do I need to have ‘fine’ hair for Sisterlocks™ to work?
A: Not at all!  In fact, the coarse, thick ‘nappy’ hair is best for Sisterlocks™  Your natural abundant texture adds body and makes styling easier.

Q: Can Sisterlocks™ be taken out?
A: Yes, though the procedure is tedious.  Anyway, once you discover the range of freedom with Sisterlocks™ you won’t want to go back!  Finally, there is a way of celebrating the natural beauty of our hair with Sisterlocks™

Q: Can I do the locks myself?
A:  This is not advised.  Not all hair types require the same locking technique, and your hair care professional is the best trained to give you locks that will be best suited for you.  Also, hair care professionals are trained to give you cuts, styles and grooming tips that ill ensure the lasting beauty of your locks.

The Sisterlocks Package

Consultation: During this session, you and I will discuss your personal hair care history, your styling preferences and your lifestyle in order to determine if Sisterlocks is right for you.  You will also have the “test locks” put in your hair to see if they will hold, check sizes, amount of scalp showing, settling-in time, etc.  This consultation is essential for both you and I to ensure you get your Sisterlocks done in the most suitable way.

Locking Session: Bring a good book because the locking process can take a while! The average Sisterlocks customer will leave this session with between 375 and 475 locks and whole new attitude!   I will provide you with a “Starter Kit”  that includes the proper shampoo and shampoo instructions for starting your locks, tiny rubber bands for bundling your locks, a tip sheet and a welcome card with information on how to receive your very own Sisterlocks Birthday Certificate!

Follow Up: You will be asked to return for your follow-up visit after you have had a chance to shampoo your locks at least 2 times.  (Don’t go much longer, or your locks may become to loose!)    This is like a light re-tightening session.  I will monitor the integrity of your locks, tighten them up and give you an idea of how long the settling-in period is likely to take.

What To Expect…

Step 1: Pre-Education  The BEST clients are educated clients!  Don’t go by hearsay, or gossip about Sisterlocks from people you do not know or trust.  Also, beware of Sisterlocks imitators!   Sisterlocks have gone through great pains over the years to standardize their system and train their practitioners effectively.  EVERYONE who has taken a legitimate Sisterlocks training class know what clients expect.

Step 2: Find a Consultant  Your relationship with your Consultant is most important!  Take steps to ensure this person is ethical, proficient and has a good track record.

People who learn Sisterlocks undergo a training experience that is unparalleled.  We  limit our class size and never skimp on the hands-on assistance.  Also, ours is a “protected” system.  Only authorized individuals may train, and students must agree not to teach or ‘show’ the sisterlocks system to others.    We do this for you to help ensure against fraud.   As we  know, there are those who lack integrity, and will misrepresent Sisterlocks and the service they offer.  DON’T BE MISLED!

Certified Consultants have demonstrated their ability to perform the Sisterlocks techniques as they were taught to them.

Step 3:  Make the Commitment  Once you have done your homework and found a Consultant you’re comfortable working with commit to the program!  You will invest significant resources in your Sisterlocks.  Don’t Half-Step!  Keep your appointments! Follow the Sisterlocks maintenance guidelines from your consultant.  Once you start using products, use the Sisterlocks products that were designed for your hair.  Be patient, and most of all ENJOY your transformation!

Client Appreciation Luncheon (2012)

Words can’t really express the gratitude in my heart for the many that have entrusted their locks to my care, I thank God for you.  Many of you I’ve had the privilege of starting you on your Sisterlocks TM journey, others, I’ve been honored by your allowing me to assist you in maintaining your locks, regardless of how our paths have crossed I along with my family have been blessed by the encounter. Thanks to all who assisted on that day to make it such a huge success. I look forward to the weeks and months to come until we meet again under one roof to celebrate you! Blessings, Cathy…

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