Be In The Know!

Did you know that folk will take your hard earned cash and not given you what you requested? Yes ma’am they surely will. If you want Sisterlocks do your research. Out the gate you should confirm that the person who you’re consulting with has taken the Sisterlocks training. Visit the Sisterlocks website @ to see if the stylist is there. If she’s not there that could mean that she has requested to be removed for various reasons i.e., full book of clients or she decided to not renew her Certification. Ask her why she’s not there. In addition to finding out her status request to see her work. Request to speak with her clients. My clients are my walking billboards, if you see a lovely head of Sisterlocks ask the person who their consultant is. Word of mouth still travels pretty fast contrary to popular belief.

To recap…Remember to do your research!

Pictured…Someone who paid close to $1500 for something other than Sisterlocks. She has braids she actually thought she had Sisterlocks. Did you know that folk will take your hard earned cash and not give you what you asked for? Yes indeed they do it every day. Be In The Know!

To be continued…


Locs are a lot like fingerprints, how so? Just as no two sets of fingerprints are identical, no two heads of locs are identical. Locs can be very similar in appearance but not identical. Your locs are unique to you! Take special care of your unique locs by following your consultant’s advice in caring for them. Using proper hair care products and staying current with your reties is essential to keeping your locs beautiful and strong!